
Mame Betty – Garageband iPhone saxophone song

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You’re on Saxloops, the saxophone and iOS music production blog! This new track is entirely made with my saxophone and iPhone 7 Plus, Garageband and various iOS music apps. My tenor sax is played in Saxmute One reviewed here. My iPhone is mounted on the mute. Instrumental is made using Blocs Wave, with Audiobus/AUM routing. Drum […]


How to: Xequence to Apematrix midi routing setup

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Welcome to Saxloops blog! Here is a mini tutorial about Xequence to Apematrix midi routing setup, two very powerful iOS music apps. iOS midi routing can be quite complicated sometimes… so here we go!! 1- Check that your Xequence midi instruments are routed to Apematrix. You will set here midi channels. In our example, purple […]


Madreeon – Sax tenor on iPhone 7 Plus

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Welcome on Saxloops, the saxophone and iOS based music blog! I’ve made this new track with my saxophone and iPhone 7 Plus music device. I’ve put lot of work in this. My tenor sax is played in a mute enclosure system Saxmute One reviewed here which allows me to practice and record at home without […]


Saxophone mute « Saxmute One Tenor » review

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Welcome on Saxloops, the saxophone and iOS based music blog! Here is my full review of the Saxmute One for sax tenor. Playing sax can be problematic related to neighbourgs tolerance. It’s a loud instrument, and us players have to practice a lot, many hours per day everyday to have good skills. Some appartments don’t […]